psiloritis geopark


Δημοσιεύσεις σχετικές με το γεωπάρκο
1. Fassoulas C. & Zouros N. (2010). Evaluating the influence of Greek geoparks to the local communities. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XLIII (2), 896-906. (Download)
2.Mouriki D. & Fassoulas C. (2009). Quantitative Assessment of Psiloritis’ Geotopes With Emphasis on Protection and Geotourism (Crete, Greece), 8th European Geoparks Congress, Idanha, Portugal, Abst. Vol., 199-200p (Download)
3. FASSOULAS C., PARAGAMIAN K. & ILIOPOULOS G. (2007). Identification and assessment of Cretan Geotopes. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. XXXVII, 1780 – 1795. (Download)
4. ZOUROS n. & FASSOULAS C. (2007). Geoconservation and Geoparks in Greece. World Geoparks Newsletter, 4, 8-14. (Download)
5. FASSOULAS C. & SKOULA Z. (2006): Assessing the economic value of the Psiloritis area through the European Geoparks Network initiative. In: VIII Inter. Conf for the Protection and Restoration of Environment, Chania, Crete, Proc. Vol., Τ.11, P. 259. (Download)
6. FASSOULAS C., ILIOPOULOS G., VOREADOU K. & STAVRIDAKIS K. (2005): Introducing the invisible Water routes of karstic systems to pupils: An educational project of Psiloritis Geopark. In: 6th EGN Inter. Meet., Lesvos 4-8/10/05. (Download)
7. FASSOULAS, C. (2004): Ρsiloritis Geopark: protection of geological heritage through development. In: Parkes. M.A. (ed) "Natural and Cultural Landscapes: the geological foundation", Royal Irish Academy, Dublin,  291-295. (Download)
8. DRANDAKI – THEODOSIOU I., NAKOV R., WIMBLENDON, W.A.P….FASSOULAS CH., FERMELI G., … MIJOVIC D. (2004): IUGS Geosites project progress- A first attempt at a common framework list for south-eastern European Countries. In: Parkes. M.A. (ed) "Natural and Cultural Landscapes: the geological foundation", Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 81-89 (Download)